Home > Love, Relationships > Forgiveness sets the heart free

Forgiveness sets the heart free

A broken heart is the tomb of a dying man.
But a heart full of merry can make him careless just as much
Love and life have one thing in common; “nothing is certain”.
We live, but brace ourselves for the day when death will strike
We love, but brace ourselves for the inevitable heartbreak.
Why then do we allow ourselves to be engrossed in vengeance?
The pain and discomfort that comes with it,
The lack of hope, and the desperation to hurt others…
And make them go though turmoil,
Just because we feel that they deserve to;
Just because we think they should feel the same pain we felt?


No human is perfect; no man was born a saint
And to err is to man; we can’t take back what’s already done.
But we can change the direction the aftermath takes.
Every action puts us in a position where we can make a choice.
It is this choice that makes us powerful.
We have no control over what has been,
Even though we have been hurt by the people close to us,
It doesn’t justify if we try our best to make their lives miserable.
We gain nothing but more pain, mystery, and mistrust
But we have control over our future
Because we know we have all the cards in our hands.
And the beauty of it is; No one else is in control; we are.


Our past doesn’t define our future.
And we certainly can’t make other people pay;
Pay for the sins of people who didn’t deserve our loyalty
No one goes into something they know they will fail;
But when they do, they pick themselves up, dust off and move on.
Otherwise so many of us would never be where we are today.
It’s unfortunate that we go through situations we had rather hadn’t
But it’s even bad enough that we get judged by those moments forever.
One mistake done is a lesson learnt; once bitten twice shy.
Love is treasure, a gift, a moment in time when we look back and feel good,
Love is patient, its kind, but it’s also forgiving.
We have only one life to live; it will be stupid to waste it away in vengeance.
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